My name is Bob Greene, and I'm a beloved child of God. And so are you, whether you realize it or not.
I'm also a Catholic convert, a husband, a father, a child, an engineer, and many other things. I live in Fort Collins, Colorado with my wife Carol and our youngest son. Our two older sons also live in Fort Collins--just not at home.
I've served in a lot of different roles in a lot of different organizations for many years. One of my most important servant roles over the last several years, though, has been as an adult volunteer with St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish High School Youth Group. Being able to share our faith with the young men and women at our parish is a true blessing and joy.
Over the last couple of years, we've done Project Alpha Youth and the Rescue Project, and now we are learning the Theology of the Body. I truly wish I had known about the Theology of the Body when I was in high school... It is beyond beautiful.